How to remove rust stains from tiles

How to remove rust stains from tiles

The reddish brown rust stains on your tiles can irritate you immensely, as they spoil the look of your home. Rust is nothing but iron oxide, a substance that is formed when iron reacts with the oxygen in the air & water. Rust is commonly seen on the tiles of places that are exposed to a lot of water (like kitchens and bathrooms). Cleaning these rust stains on time and frequently is very important. When left to remain on the tiles for a long time, rust can hamper the foundation of the tiles, leading to cracks in them. Replacing broken tiles is not only a lengthy process, but it involves some costs as well.

There is no reason for you to fret when you spot rust stains on your tiles. Listed below are some easy ways you can try to get rid of these using some simple kitchen ingredients.

Using toothpaste

  • Apply some toothpaste (preferably one that has baking soda in it) on the rust stains on the tiles.
  • Rub the toothpaste in circular motions over the marks using your fingers or a toothbrush. Leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Prepare a solution containing some soap and water.
  • Clean the tiles soaked with toothpaste with this soapy solution, and you will notice that the rust stains have vanished.

Using lemon juice

  • In a bowl, squeeze the juice of a lemon. Add some salt to this.
  • Apply about ½ a spoon of this mixture on the rust stains found on the tiles. Let it remain on the tiles for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean this mixture from the tiles. The antibacterial properties of lemon juice work well to get rid of rust stains.
  • The rust stains would have started to lift. If you still see some rust marks on the floors, you can repeat these steps until the stains have gone completely.

Using vinegar

  • Pour about 3 tablespoons of white vinegar on the rust marks. Let it remain on the tiles for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Use a soft and clean cloth to wipe away the vinegar residues from the tiles, and you will notice that the acidic properties of vinegar have acted well on the rust marks. The stains start to fade.
  • For stubborn rust marks that remain on the tiles, you can pour some more vinegar and repeat the steps, until the stains lift completely.

Using kerosene

  • Pour two tablespoons of kerosene over the rust stains on the tiles.
  • Let it sit there for about 10 minutes.
  • Wipe away the kerosene residues with a soft & clean cloth.
  • Wait for another 5 minutes, before you wipe with another clean rag or a paper towel, and the rust stains would have gone.
  • Kerosene has more acidic properties than vinegar; therefore, it acts swiftly on rust stains. It has a very powerful odor. So, don’t leave it to sit on the rust stains for more than 10 minutes. Also, when using kerosene to remove rust stains on kitchen tiles, you should be very careful.

Using tomatoes

  • The first step is to cut a tomato into two halves.
  • Rub some salt over the rust stains, and rub the tomato slice over these stains.
  • Allow the juice of the tomato to sit over the stains for about 5 to 10 minutes. Tomato’s citrus properties help to get rid of even set-in rust stains from the tiles.
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe away the tomato juice, and you will see a visible improvement in the appearance of the tiles now.

Using WD-40

  • Apply some WD-40 directly on the rust stains (works well for light rust marks) on the tiles.
  • Let it sit on the stains for about 10 minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, or a clean cloth to wipe away the WD-40 residues from the tiles.
  • Light rust marks would have vanished by now. If some stubborn marks still remain on the tiles, you can use one of the many methods we have listed in this article.

Using dish soap and water

This safe method works well for tiles made from concrete and other porous materials.

  • Make a solution by mixing warm water and dish soap.
  • Apply this over the rust stains, and allow it to settle for 10 to 15 minutes. Giving this time is important, as the soapy solution will loosen the rust particles on the tiles.
  • Mop the tiles thoroughly before washing them with cold water. You will notice that the rust stains would have completely gone by now.
  • You can repeat this process as many times as you want, as it will take many wash cycles for set-in rust stains to be removed from the tiles.

Using a pressure washer

If you have rust stains on the tiles in outdoor spaces like your gardens and patios, a pressure washer can be of great help. However, we suggest you use the pressure washer at a very low setting on a small area of the tiles to check if is safe. If it doesn’t cause any damage, you can then use the pressure washer in its normal setting to remove the rust stains from the tiles. Always follow the instructions of the manufacturer, regardless of the brand of pressure washer you use.

Using soda and aerated drinks

  • Like vinegar, soda and other fizzy drinks also have acidic properties that act well on rust stains.
  • Pour the soda or the aerated drinks directly over the rust stains on the tiles.
  • Let it settle there for 15 minutes.
  • Use a scrubbing brush to clean the stains properly.
  • Rinse the tiles thoroughly with cold water.
  • Repeat the steps to get rid of stubborn rust stains.

Using hydrogen peroxide

  • Make a paste of low-dose hydrogen peroxide and cream of tartar in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Apply the paste over all the rust stains. Allow the paste to remain there overnight.
  • Wipe away with a clean and soft cloth, and you will notice the rust stains have completely vanished.

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